Gaining knowledge and peer network with LRA

from Jim Morgan, Senior Vice President of Communications, Tulsa Regional Chamber
LRA Tulsa Class 3 (Fall 2016)

As a regular attendee of professional development seminars and workshops, I found the Schnake Turnbo Frank Leadership & Reputation Academy to be a truly superior learning experience. Both its curriculum and its environment were outstanding.

From a curriculum perspective, the topics covered during the eight sessions were well chosen for working professionals seeking to advance their careers. I found particular value in the discussions around generational work styles, inclusive workplaces and work-life balance. The interactive dialogues were engaging, and the practical applications of skills such as public speaking and crisis communications were extremely beneficial.

Regarding the environment created, I especially enjoyed the chance to get to know my fellow classmates on breaks and at additional mixers. And, just as the instructors predicted we would, many of us have stayed in touch in the months since graduation. The importance of building a strong peer support network is undeniable, and I found this part of the experience as valuable as the curriculum.

I highly recommend the STF Leadership & Reputation Academy to all who are interested in advancing their careers and building their network. It is well worth the investment.