Over the years, Schnake Turnbo Frank has developed and delivered dozens of leadership modules and programs. Topics and programs can be custom-designed to fit specific needs or cultures. Classes are offered in-person or virtually, in groups or individually.

Registration is currently open for the “Leading Through Coronavirus” 3-part series, learn more online, here

Interested in Professional Development?

Let’s Talk

Following is a menu of our most commonly requested classes:

  • Introduction to Leadership – Introductory course to the concepts of management and leadership, and the differences between the two. This module focuses on helping individuals understand their responsibilities as leaders.
  • Introduction to Management Styles – Geared toward first-time managers, this session exposes individuals to basic concepts in different leadership styles. Educating managers about different approaches gives them more tools with which to work.
  • Conflict Management and Accountability — One of the most difficult adjustments for some managers is the responsibility to hold others accountable. This module equips participants with techniques to help hold others accountable in positive, productive ways.
  • Performance Management – Leaders often have difficulty setting clear expectations with their teams. This class helps managers identify the core competencies for their teams, and set expectations for each team member.
  • Time Management and Delegation – Managing deadlines, measuring workload and capacity, and assigning projects to team members are key competencies for the effective leader. This module provides individual time management tools so managers can maximize their productivity.
  • Internal Communication – Based on the level and tenure of the audience, this course will show managers and executives how to be intentional, thorough and strategic in all internal communications, and how to deliver the appropriate message for the situation.
  • Public Speaking – This session provides customized presentation coaching for all levels of employees. It offers guidance in researching, preparation and delivery – whether you’re giving a formal presentation to hundreds, a sales presentation to a few or an open forum before a tough audience.
  • Presentation Training – More tactical than the public speaking module, this training helps fine-tune the art of storyboarding, engaging an audience and maintaining control of one’s physical and vocal behaviors for presenters at any level.
  • Leadership During a Crisis – History shows that a poorly managed crisis can break the back of an organization. In this session, you’ll learn about dealing with emotions, assembling a team, solving problems under pressure, and communicating effectively.
  • Media Interviews and Interview Coaching – Editors, reporters and news directors want timely information from credible, accessible sources. This class, taught by former reporters and media specialists, helps prepare you for interviews and positions your story for maximum coverage.
  • Persuasion and Influence – Persuasion and negotiation are powerful management tools if used appropriately. Based on a large body of research, this interactive session involves role-playing and real-life examples to demonstrate persuasion techniques in a variety of settings.
  • Strategic Planning – As a precursor to developing or revising a strategic plan, group brainstorming session can spur ideas and opinions that can be used in shaping a plan and setting goals.
  • Life-Work Balance – This course reminds participants that they are a whole person, made up of a mind, body and soul that are interconnected. The physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person’s life have a huge impact on their effectiveness and their personal satisfaction.
  • Building a Team – Leaders must constantly facilitate an environment of teamwork among employees. This course uses behavioral economics to analyze what managers can do to incent an environment of trust and shared goals among employees.
  • Team Building Session – During this module, relationships are used to strengthen collaboration, involvement and productivity of a team. Following the completion of individuals online assessments, STF facilitates a one-day session of dialogue among team members designed to help them better understand each other’s work styles, needs and communications preferences.
  • Writing with Impact – Many professionals struggle to communicate effectively in writing. But in today’s fast-paced world, emails, blogs, memos and intranet sites are critical to keeping people informed. This interactive workshop includes in-class writing assignments and teaches participants how to keep communications concise, jargon-free and tailored to the audience.
  • Change Management – We start this training module by discussing why change is so challenging for individuals and organizations, how it affects people and what motivates them to change. We help managers recognize stress indicators in employee behavior, and how to improve employee satisfaction.
  • Personal Branding – We explore the importance of developing your personal brand and how it impacts your company. This session explores the importance of networking and branding both online and offline. It includes an in-depth discussion about LinkedIn; using social media when developing your professional brand; how to network at an event and on social media, and best practices for attending or speaking at a conference or seminar.
  • Professional Attire – Tailored to your company’s dress code, this session is geared to help your employees present a professional image and showcase their best qualities. Attendees learn how to build a professional wardrobe; how professional dress can express their personality, success and direction; practical tips to ensure professional dress at any budget; and style etiquette rules and terminology.
  • Business Etiquette and Protocol – You may be the smartest, hardest working person in the company. But, in the wrong setting, poor etiquette can set you back. Our experts will help assure you represent your organization with professionalism, sharpness and grace.
  • Personal and Organizational Core Values – One definition of a core value is something from which you won’t budget – even if it means losing business. What are your organization’s core values? How do you articulate them? And, just as importantly, how do your personal core values line up with your organization’s?
  • Personal and Organizational Reputation – Good reputations are hard-earned through consistent, positive behavior. One bad decision, though, can tarnish a reputation for good. In this session, you’ll learn how reputations are built, why they crumble, and how they’re re-made.
  • Inclusion and Diversity – With our nation becoming more diverse, it’s imperative for organizations to understand inclusion in the workplace. Learn how an inclusive environment affects key stakeholders, and how to deal with tough cultural issues in an open, respectful manner.
  • Humility and Grace – Beware the ego monster. As people and organizations succeed, one of the most common pitfalls is allowing an inflated sense of self to make bad decisions. In this session, learn how to spot the early signs of hubris, and how to stay grounded.
  • Community Engagement – There’s a long list of reasons why community engagement is important. It’s our civic duty, it can be personally fulfilling, and the experience and network can be invaluable. This session helps individuals determine how to channel their passions into a change for good.
  • Generational Differences – From Generation Z to Baby Boomers, there are more generations in the workplace now than ever before. None is better than the other. But they’re all very different. In this session, learn about the differences in priorities, communications styles and expectations – and how to juggle them all, as a leader.
  • Difficult Conversations – Difficult issues aren’t resolved without communication. Step one: Get it on the table. From there, you’ll learn invaluable tips on tone, message, environment, listening, and follow-through.
  • Delivering the Brand Promise – What constitutes an organization’s brand? Who is responsible for managing it? What is leadership’s role in understanding and advancing the brand? A brand is much more than a logo. It’s a living, breathing part of your culture. Participants in this class learn about their role in upholding and protecting your brand.
  • Leading Organizational Culture – Someone once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Culture can be an organization’s most powerful asset. But how to you build, maintain and nurture it – without over-managing it? In this training, you learn critical elements to creating an authentic, positive culture.
  • Growth Management – They call it “growing pains” for a reason. With growth comes challenges. What used to be a mom-and-pop is now a larger organization, complete with territorialism, accountability and poor communication. It doesn’t have to be that way. This session teaches participants how to not lose your agility and personality while you grow.
  • Situational Leadership – How do you navigate tough leadership issues? It depends. Knowing your audience, your tone, your timing – and a dozen other factors – come into play.